
02-04-2012 Kelley's B-Day Rock Creek Brown Ale

02-04-2012 Kelley's B-Day Rock Creek Brown Ale

Ferment Del Norte (FDN) Had the awesome opportunity of being able to hold a project meeting at Rock Creek Ranch (RCR) managed by the Smith River Alliance (SRA)  http://www.smithriveralliance.org/index6.html 
The project went great! There was some scuffling around due to the loss of some small parts during the transport of the equipment From FDN headquarter to RCR, but all was not lost the ingenuity of FDN members and the access to previously fermented beverages the wort was separated from the malted grain and the broth has begun to ferment!!! 

Photos to come.......

Recipe at: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnxmZXJtZW50ZGVsbm9ydGV8Z3g6MTJjMDg2MjUyYmRiY2NmYw


  1. https://sites.google.com/site/fermentdelnorte/home/projects/kelley-s-b-day-rock-creek-brown-ale
